Dear Sirs,

I understand from an article in the South Wales Argus that changes to recycling may result in householders having to sort recycling into a number of types. The current system in the Caerphilly Council area ( I live in Risca) is simple, takes little time and is very well supported in my locality. Un-necessary complications will result in a drop in re-cycling and an increase in land fill waste. Additionally my “take al”l recycling wheelie bin minimises spills and is always there when I arrive home to be used next time. Contrast this to the small food recycling container which blows about, has become cracked in numerous places and I have to “find “ it almost each time I use it. I don’t want numerous containers and won’t use them. The large recycling bin is by far the best solution. Changes will require the  council to purchase new small containers with their high loss rate and I suspect collections will need more vehicles and staff.

For goodness sake leave things as they are. People like it and to change will be costly and greatly reduce recycling. Use some common sense at the Welsh Government.


P Jones